Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ori and Ima

I did a photo shoot for friends of ours last weekend, and while they were taking a break feeding their baby, I took a few images of my wife and son having some fun together. Enjoy!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Canada Blooms

Here are some images from the 'Canada Blooms' Festival which took place at the Ex over the last 10 days. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ori in Nassau

Ori is pretty happy and smiley most of the time, and fun to photograph. These images were taken in front of a public washroom in Nassau, Bahamas. I wish we had public washroom that look like this right here in Toronto. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

'Three Leaf Grass'

Well, it's been almost a year since I updated my blog, so it's about time. the reason i stopped using it is because I changed emails and found it annoying to constantly sign in and out. I just discovered that I can import all the information to this new blog, so I'm reviving it as of now. I hope you are as excited as I am by the prospect of frequent updates!

The scientific name of this plant is Oxalis Regnellii 'Triangularis'. It is also referred to in Chinese as 'Three Leaf Grass' (this is according to my mother in law, who brought us the plant last week). The flowers are tiny, less than an inch in length, and very delicate. I shot these images using natural light, using a white drape as a background. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Allan Gardens

The Allan Gardens conservatory is one of toronto's best kept secrets. I love walking around the greenhouse whenever I'm in the area. This time, the gardeners were just starting to plant for the season, so there weren't a lot of colourful flowers to take shots of. I decided to give myself an assignment - focus on line and form. These are some of the resulting pics.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ori in Jail

A few weeks ago we decided it's time to move Ori to sleep in a crib in his own room. It took him a few days to get used to his new surroundings, but all in all, the parties involved have been sleeping longer and better since. Well, maybe with the exception of his mother, who misses him dearly. We were lucky to get a used crib from my parents' friends, and Ori doesn't seem to mind that the colour of the crib is almost camouflaged by the the wall. For a baby that doesn't like being contained he has, so far, been a very good inmate.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My neighbour's Tree

We have an elderly Italian neighbour who spends most of her days tending to the vegetable garden in her back yard and mopping and watering her front lawn. Her property is immaculately clean and she takes great pride in it. She gets very excited every time we take Ori out, and screams (she is very hard of hearing) at him in Iatalian, trying to make him laugh. There is a tree in front of her house which may or may not be a cherry tree. Its flowers blossomed for a few days last week, and so I took the opportunity to take a few shots. Enjoy.